Children who are given a place in the SLCN Base, funded by BCP Local Authority, attend Canford Heath Junior School.
The children placed in the SLCN Base will be part of the mainstream school as a member of Koalas class. Our purpose-built SLCN Base is a dedicated classroom with break-out rooms for therapy. Where appropriate, our children will access the mainstream environment for some learning experiences as well as take part in the wider life of the school.
The children will access the majority of their learning in the SLCN Base. A specialist teacher (Base Manager) will deliver a bespoke thematic and cyclical curriculum that incorporates a Total Communication approach. The Base Manager is a qualified SENDCo or is in the process of SENDCo accreditation.
Children will receive regular Speech and Language Therapy through 1:1 or group sessions with the TEACH Trust Speech and Language Therapist as well as targeted work with the Speech and Language Therapy Assistant and Teaching Assistants in the SLCN Base.